In order to submit a paper to the PL&NB 2017 main track you must register as an author at the conference management system: click here
Types of submissions
Submissions to the conference may be made in the form of (a) completed papers or (b) long abstracts. All completed papers and long abstracts accepted for presentation at the conference will be published in the second edition of the book - National Brand and Private Label Marketing – published by Springer, after obtaining consent from the authors. The book will be made available to the attendees for free at the conference. All completed papers must therefore be formatted according to a Springer Template (maximum 8 pages total including tables, figures and references; extra pages up to 4 would be allowed, though, but they would be charged as indicated at section “Registration”). Long abstracts (minimum of 2 to up to 4 pages) may also be formatted according to such a template). All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) through the conference management system at Easychair.
All submissions will be refereed by at least two experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to the conference will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Submitting papers
All papers must be formatted according to the Springer template. All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format).
Review process
The submitted contributions will be examined first by the organizers to decide its suitability with the conference’s scope. All contributions fitting the scope will undergo a thorough review process. They will be refereed by at least two experts in the field based on relevance, originality, significance, quality, and clarity. The reviewers will be mainly chosen from the Program Committee.
If manuscripts are accepted, or conditionally accepted, the authors will have several weeks to eventually revise, when requested, their first draft submitted manuscripts based on the reviewers’ comments and send a camera-ready paper and other files required for accepted papers (accurate information about the final files will be provided upon acceptance).
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, to be published by Springer. It is mandatory, though, that at least one author of every accepted paper be registered by March 30th 2017. Accepted papers not satisfying this requirement will be invited to be presented at the conference, but will not be included in the book.
At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to present the paper in order to include the paper in the conference proceedings.
Every scholar attending the conference will have a complimentary hard copy. Also, and more interesting for their international diffusion, papers will be worldwide available at the Springer’s online platform and related journals’ databases.
You must prepare a ZIP/RAR file including:
•a filled and signed Copyright Form **PDF format**, see below.
•the final version of your paper (**MS-WORD**)
•a Word or PDF document stating the changes performed taking into account the reviews
Our licence with Easychair doesn’t allow us to work with .zip files this year, so they won’t be accepted by the system if it is tried to upload them using your account and paper’s register. This is why the ZIP/RAR file you prepared following the instructions above should be directly sent to the co-chair Francisco J. Martínez-López’s email ( as an attachment, and with CC to one of the other co-chair fellows ( Please, use the following text for your email’s subject: Paper [Number of your submission at Easychair] NB&PL 2016_camera-ready.
Finally, remember that for the accepted version of your paper you must fill out and sign the copyright form and send it back.
The copyright's data for the NB&PL'16 volume are:
•TITLE: Advances in National Brand & Private Label Marketing. Fourth International Conference, 2017.
•EDITORS: Francisco J. Martínez-López (U. of Granada, Spain), Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad (U. of Almería, Spain), Kusum L. Ailawadi (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, USA), and María Jesús Yagüe (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)