
All submissions for the conference must be in Word or PDF (1000 - 3000 words in length) and must be submitted through the Springer submission platform EquinOCS Springer on or before Tuesday, January 28, 2025. The submission should indicate how it contributes to brand or category management at the retail level and provide as many details about the research as possible in 3000 words or less.

All submissions will be reviewed for contribution and suitability for the conference. Authors of accepted submissions will be notified by Tuesday, February 28, 2025. All accepted submissions to be presented at the conference will be published in the Springer conference proceedings to be distributed to attendees during the conference. The presenting author of each accepted submission must register for the conference by the early-bird deadline of Tuesday, March 11, so that we have sufficient time to schedule their presentation in the program and publish the proceedings. Please submit your research only if you are willing to publish the submission in the conference proceedings and have the presenting author register by March 11.

In addition to the Springer Conference Proceedings, we hope to publish selected submissions from the conference as a special issue (or section) on global retailing in the Journal of Global Marketing. More details will be provided at the conference.